Angela Varela Loeb

Angela Varela Loeb

Brazil - 1976

A Career Dedicated to Visual Arts

Angela Varela Loeb (born in 1976, Porto Alegre, RS) is a distinguished scholar and artist from Brazil. She holds a PhD in Visual Poetics from the Graduate Program in Visual Arts at the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP) and has a master's degree in the same field, with an emphasis on Art Theory and Criticism. Loeb completed her bachelor's degree in Fine Arts at the Institute of Arts of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (IA/UFRGS).

In 2005, Loeb was awarded the UNESCO-ASCHBERG artist scholarship, which allowed her to reside at the Centre d'art Marnay art centre (camac) in Marnay-sur-Seine/Aube, France. Throughout her career, she has participated in various group exhibitions, both within and outside the academic environment. Among her notable exhibitions is "Presenças," held at Zipper Gallery in 2011.

Loeb is also recognized for her work as a curator and art critic. She was responsible for the curating and critical texts of important exhibitions, such as "A.R." at Verve Gallery in 2016, and "Heloisa Crocco" at APLUB Art Gallery in Porto Alegre in 2002. Additionally, she has contributed to academic publications, including the article "Os Bólides do Programa Ambiental de Hélio Oiticica" for ARS Magazine, from ECA/USP, in December 2010.

Currently, Angela Varela Loeb lives and works in São Paulo, SP, where she continues to influence the field of visual arts through her academic and artistic work.

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