Abelardo Zaluar

Abelardo Zaluar

Brazil - 2020 - 1987

Trajectory and Legacy

Abelardo Zaluar (Niterói, RJ, 1924 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1987) was a Brazilian painter, draughtsman, engraver, and professor whose legacy is intertwined with the evolution of art in Brazil. From 1944 to 1948, he attended the National School of Fine Arts (Enba) in Rio de Janeiro and co-founded the Escolinha de Arte do Brasil, becoming a key figure in the institution. His talent was acknowledged with a first-place award in drawing at the 1959 Leirner Prize for Contemporary Art, and subsequent accolades, including the Modern Art Salon of the Federal District in 1967 and an honorable mention at the 1st Ibero-American Biennial of Painting in 1978. Zaluar was a fixture in major group exhibitions and received a travel award at the National Salon of Modern Art in 1963. In the 1980s, he was appointed Professor Emeritus by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), cementing his role as an influential educator and artist.

Photo: https://www.guiadasartes.com.br/abelardo-zaluar/obras-e-biografia#:~:text=Abelardo%20Zaluar%20obras%20e%20biografia%20%2D%20Guia%20das%20Artes&text=Pintor%2C%20desenhista%2C%20gravador%2C%20professor,diretor%2Dt%C3%A9cnico%20da%20institui%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20carioca.

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