Zé Garcia

Zé Garcia

Brazil - 1973

Visual artist, he attended the Fine Arts School at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the Parque Laje Visual Arts School. Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.

His poetics consists of elaborating hybrids, sometimes resulting in sculptures as in the series of birds, sometimes objects, insects and their relations between science and art and its consequences. The birds series presents a redefinition of the modern notion of sculpture as a static volume– by with the plumage art technique imprints his organicism on a volume that from the beginning presents a dynamic, adding to the work carefully chosen parts of household furnishing, removing them from their functional context without provoking resignification: the arm of a chair remains an arm. The insects series, objects, led to an investigation that unfolds in the redefinition of “insects” – understood as a kind of simulacrum in the face of the “Beautiful” in vigor, and, from them, investigates and interferes in their skeletons, searching for new structural arrangements organized by art, reducing entomology to aesthetics.

Photo: https://ndmais.com.br/diversao/exposicao-prumo-exibe-esculturas-do-artista-plastico-ze-carlos-garcia/
Text: https://zecarlosgarcia.com.br

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